About the project

Needs Analysis

Unemployment Reduction

Addressing the increasing unemployment rates among young populations in SSA through education and training to foster socio-economic prosperity

Exploitation of Tourism Sector

Recognizing the underexploited potential of the tourism sector in SSA despite abundant natural resources.

Inclusive Access to Tourism VET

Ensuring inclusive access to tourism VET for disadvantaged populations and bridging gender gaps in education and employment.

Networked Collaboration

Establishing collaborations between SSA and EU VET institutions, as well as among SSA VET institutions, to exchange knowledge and strategies.

Responsiveness to Labour Market

Strengthening the SSA Tourism VET system to meet the demands of the labour market and produce industry-ready graduates.

Development of Digital Pathways

Addressing the lag in digital development in SSA Tourism VET, particularly in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, to provide access and mitigate constraints for underprivileged populations.


Education Challenges in SSA

SSA faces education challenges, especially in weak Vocational Education and Training (VET) sectors, marked by low funding and undervaluation.

Collaboration and Fragmentation

Limited collaboration and institutional independence hinder SSA VET development, emphasizing the need for stronger partnerships.

Tourism Sector Potential

The project focuses on Tourism VET institutions in SSA, aiming to leverage the sector's potential for socio-economic development.

Inclusion Struggles

SSA contends with high rates of educational exclusion, particularly among youth, emphasizing the role of inclusive education for societal equity.

Digital Solutions for Inclusion

The use of digital technologies is crucial for overcoming inclusion challenges in SSA VET, addressing gender gaps, and enhancing digital literacy in the region.